
Deuteronomy 33:28 (KJV)

Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. 


Bible Commentary

Deuteronomy 33:28 is a Bible Verse and a praise and prophecy from the Old Testament that promises a very happy ending for the children of God. There is nothing like the comfort of God, and that is exactly what this verse is all about.

Many of us have gone through Hell on earth, enduring hardships of all kinds—sickness, brokenness, estrangement from family, the strain of financial loss and struggle…the list goes on.

Our difficulties might have been physical, emotional, financial or most likely a combination of all of the above. But make no mistake, none of them have been in vain. Our Heavenly Father sees and understands the grief we’ve been through, for He was (and is) right there with us, whether we realized it or not. He is our Father, and He loves us dearly.

The comfort of our Father is unmatched and unannounced. He comes in unexpected ways and at unexpected times.

The Love of the Father

There is nothing like the love of the Father. It is like a gentle breeze that caresses our mind, soothes our aching heart and fills the longing in our soul. And yet it is only a small sample of the beauty of His glory, a taste of Heaven. It eases the tension in our muscles and in our thoughts.

It removes the biases we’ve held for too long. It gives us a new vision and a fresh understanding of things that were too deep for us before. It is like a bridge that connects the tenderness of a newborn babe to the brute strength of his father, like the soft and tender caress from a loving mother.

The comfort of the Father is not something we see with our human eyes, but more like breathing in the fragrance of fresh-cut roses or homemade sugar cookies.

It is fresh, alive and real.

The Security of Our Soul

It embraces our soul with an impression of security from a protective father who cherishes us and keeps us as the apple of his eye. It knows no bounds, nor does it go away.

In Christ, it is here to stay.

Its love is powerful and more than super-human; it is supernatural. It displayed its immeasurable and unending devotion for us on the cross by the body of His Son.

How can we not drop everything and just come running…running to Him, to His loving embrace, to His everlasting arms of power and protection over us, knowing He wants the best for us, trusting Him—really trusting Him for the first time.

With reckless abandon, we come.

In Holy Communion, we come.

For the hope of Holy Matrimony, we come…

…finally loving Him the way He has always loved us. Amen.

Study the Bible verse of Deuteronomy 33:28, and enjoy the sweet abandon of wholly trusting our Father God.


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